Dr. Bill Vaughn became a Christian in nineteen hundred and sixty-one. He surrendered to preach the glorious gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in nineteen hundred and sixty-five. Since then he has served the Lord Jesus in various ministries.

Dr. Vaughn received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Southern Mississippi. He earned his Master of Theology degree at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He successfully completed the Spanish language course at Rio Grande Bible Institute and Missionary Language School. Dr. Vaughn earned his Doctor of Theology degree from Peniel Baptist Seminary. He also earned his Ph.D. in Christian Ministry from the same Seminary. For his many years of Christian service and for the various Christian materials and books he has written, he has received an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree.

Dr. Vaughn has served in the pastorate of both English and Spanish churches. He also served as a foreign missionary to the Spanish speaking peoples of Latin America for seventeen years. Dr. Vaughn has ministered as an itinerant evangelist in Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Puerto Rico, and in the United States.

For several years Dr. Vaughn conducted a five day-a-week fifteen-minute Spanish gospel radio broadcast on various stations in Mexico, and a six day-a-week fifteen-minute program in Nicaragua. He has distributed, FREE OF CHARGE, thousands of his radio programs on cassette tapes and CDs throughout Latin America.

In nineteen hundred and seventy-five, Dr. Vaughn and Dr. Duane Gibson founded International Evangel Heralds, Inc., an independent Baptist missionary ministry chartered and incorporated under the laws of the state of Texas. He currently serves as president of IEHI.

Dr. Vaughn also is the founder and director of Bill Vaughn Ministries. The headquarters of BVM are located in Lake City, Florida USA. BVM publishes Dr. Vaughn's FREE gospel tracts, gospel booklets and Christian books, and audio and video recordings of his messages in both English and Spanish. Millions of his tracts—“Paper Missionaries”—have been distributed in the United States, Latin America, and Africa, with many souls being saved.

For many years Dr. Vaughn has preached as keynote speaker in Faith Promise Mission Conferences, evangelistic crusades and "Good Word of God" spiritual life conferences throughout the United States and Mexico.

Bill Vaughn Ministries

Bill Vaughn Ministries was founded in nineteen hundred and seventy by Dr. Bill Vaughn. The home offices of BVM are located in Lake City, Florida, USA. BVM is a faith endeavor supported entirely by voluntary love gifts and donations. BVM is not underwritten by any particular organization, group, or church. We at BVM live entirely by faith and minister by faith alone.

All the services and materials of Bill Vaughn Ministries are offered free of charge as God’s caring people provide the financial resources through their voluntary donations and gifts.

BVM operates under the auspices of International Evangel Heralds, Inc. (IEHI), a non-profit missionary organization incorporated in the state of Texas.

Gifts and donations to Bill Vaughn Ministries are tax-deductible when given through IEHI.


We at BVM believe in the following fundamental biblical truths of the Christian faith.

  1. 1.The plenary verbal inspiration of the Scriptures. The Bible is our final and supreme authority in all matters of faith and practice.

2. The deity, virgin birth, sinless life, sacrificial blood-atoning death, resurrection, and imminent pre-tribulation pre-millennial return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

3. The direct creation of the universe by God alone apart from any evolutionary processes.

4. The fall, total depravity, and guilt of man necessitating his salvation by the sovereign grace of God.

5. The eternal salvation of all who put their trust in Christ alone. Salvation is by grace alone through repentance and faith.

6. The visible autonomous local church-God's only institution for carrying out the Great Commission.

7. The indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ in the heart of every Christian, empowering the child of God to live a godly life in this present evil world and to win other souls to Jesus Christ.

8. Two church ordinances-Baptism and the Lord's Supper, both symbolical and for believers only.

9. The personal separation of every Christian from all worldliness, liberalism, and ecumenism.

  1. 10.The bodily resurrection of all the dead.

  1. 11.Worldwide missions-the obligation of every believer and every local church.


BVM is committed to preaching, teaching, and disseminating the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as it is revealed in the Christian Bible (1 Corinthians 15:3,4). The ministries of BVM are designed to use all available resources to inform as many people as possible throughout the world (Matthew 28:16-20) about Christ's Gospel of wonderful love (John 3:16; Romans 5:6,8), merciful forgiveness (Isaiah 1:18,19; 1 John 1:7-10), divine deliverance from sin and rebellion against God and against His holy law (Colossians 1:12-15; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11), and gracious reconciliation of the undeserving sinner to Holy God Himself (2 Corinthians 5:18-21).

International Evangel Heralds, Inc.

International Evangel Heralds, Inc. was founded in 1975. IEHI is a non-profit religious organization incorporated under the laws of the state of Texas and registered with the U.S. federal government IRS as a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt organization.


The purpose of IEHI is to provide a centralized organization to coordinate and direct missionary ministries “into all the world.”

IEHI missionaries propagate the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ with the objective of glorifying God, winning precious souls to Him, and establishing indigenous New Testament churches.


You may contact us by:


Click here   bvmm7@comcast.net


Bill Vaughn Ministries

280 SE Bream Loop

Lake City, FL 32025, USA


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